The MyFirst Program, a financial education program for pre-schoolers was developed by Era Consumer and first implemented n the year 2010. It is one of the first financial education program at the pre-school stage in Malaysia. There ere indeed many skeptics to this program who felt that children at the age of 5 to6 were too young to learn financial themes. The MyFirst program was developed through “best practices” from abroad as well as collaboration with local pre-school teachers.
To date approximately 140 MYFirst Ringgit Programs have been conducted all over Peninsula Malaysia reaching more than 2800 children. The feedback from parents as well as teachers has been very positive and encouraging. The MyFirst Program has to some extent inculcated some positive values in children. The outcome may be the simplest form; as when the child questions “whether he really needs the toy” or whether he “should put aside some money for saving” or even “concern for the less fortunate”. The very enquiring on these issues of spending, saving and sharing means the program has had some impact on the children.
In 2014 we have begun the Training for Trainers Program for Pre-school educators, The aim of this program is emphasise to teachers the need and importance of financial education for consumers in general; and why this education must begin at the earliest stage during pre-school education. The TOT also will share similar efforts being undertaken in other countries.
Non-profit and Non-political organization registered under the Societies Act of Malaysia 1966.