The proposal for Cable Car Project in Bukit Larut is being revived under the new government. From 1997, FOMCA have been against any development in Bukit Larut as it can be detrimental to the natural condition of the hill. FOMCA and WWF have conducted an ecology study to prove that this project will destroy the ecosystem of Bukit Larut.
Federation of Malaysian Consumers Association will fight for the rights of Taiping Citizens and Malaysian for the right to safe and healthy environment. Such development should not take place as it is a treasure that is recognized by State government, Federal government as well as international bodies. Reserve forest is for the purpose of research and education.
The state government has already been given memorandum such as this to protest the development projects proposed previously. The world population is effect of global warming on our lives. However, the emergence of such a project indicates the risk taking without proper studies on its effect to Bukit Larut and its surroundings.
The Perak state government has been reminded of Bukit Larut’s sensitivity and its impact to the flora and fauna as well as the water catchment area. It the very responsibility of the government to ensure that the ecosystem is protected and preserved for the benefit o the future generation.
Every government has the responsibility to Project the future of their citizens. Do not destroy the Taiping citizen’s treasure.
Non-profit and Non-political organization registered under the Societies Act of Malaysia 1966.